Meet Captain Maged

Have you heard of Captain Maged before?

How incredibly does he play football?

How did he pave the way for the next goal?

How did he enjoy the game, not only the win?

Well , was the inspiration of my life!

Captain Maged

Hello, I’m Captain Maged

Online Coach, Master Coach from ISSA And the real version of Captain Maged
-in the fitness industry

Here’s my story,

My journey with the gym started at a very early stage in my life When I was in middle school, I loved to go there, work out, get in shape, and all these wonderful details

However, it was such a hobby, nothing big At least in this period of my life.

Growing up, choosing my college - which has no relation to fitness coaching - I was that student with glasses and a straight record of +As

All was good The gym is still there in the background

After graduation, I felt like I wanted to spend my life here, not in this career - I liked what I was doing, but I loved training and workout

I was always curious about how the human bodies work. What makes us bulk, get in shape, and lose weight?

I decided to pursue my passion, to know more about how the body works, to learn about anatomy, and to help people get in shape. So, I decided to take the first step for all this by entering the online coaching industry and merging it with anatomy science.

I’m going to become an online coach.

But, as a bookworm, I couldn’t start without a solid scientific base!

That’s why I started studying for ISSA Certificates, one after another. They were not enough for me. I also started to read like a crazy little boy with a scientific mindset.

I was fascinated by how anatomy works. So, I studied it like a good student and mastered it like a pro.

And helped thousands of clients achieve their health goals through science and experience.

I didn’t stop there & went the extra mile by transferring all the knowledge to other trainers, giving anatomy and kinesiology workshops and courses, sharing knowledge with people on my social media profiles, and more.
Now, I train both, trainers and individuals

Based on

Cultivated Experience



Now you must be asking,

What is the relation? Captain Majid was a football player.
You’re a fitness online coach.

Believe me, it has nothing to do with the profession

It’s about the passion
The journey
The way we’re paving for you to score your goal
To get in shape
To have the lifestyle you’re dying for

Remeber this cartoon?
He played for the whole episode to score a goal in the last minute and was enjoying the game not just the scoring part And you enjoyed watching him playing

Here, you enjoy every part of your customized journey Every step of it And at the end We both celebrate scoring your goal together

9 accredited international certificates to obtain a master’s degree

Ready to start the game ?


Meet The Champions

They all scored their goals while enjoying
every moment of the game itself

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