Hello, I’m Captain Maged, Online Coach

Hello, I’m Captain Maged, Online Coach .....

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and Kinesiology Content !

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Everything here is connected




Just for you to score your goal

9 accredited international certificates to obtain a master’s degree

Science-based journey

Every single piece of information in nutrition or working out is based on a solid ground of science, hundreds of books, and tons of research and up-to-date theories just for you.


Every move here is important. Done right, you will see magnificent results It’s time to let the science be on your slide.


I believe everything in the world is connected. When you connect science, experience, life events, and everything else, you’ll have a broader view, and that’s how you score your goal like a pro.

Meet The Champions

They all scored their goals while enjoying
every moment of the game itself

How to score your goal ?

Choose your Plan

Fill the questionnaire

Customize your strategy

And hit the ball
to the goal


1 - Monthly follow-up on WhatsApp

2 - A recipe book with videos of how to prepare the recipe so you don't get bored

3 - A comprehensive, variable diet within 3 months to reach it quickly

4 - An alternative to cooking so you can eat different food every day

5 - Your comprehensive guide to supplements, if possible

6 - A training program suitable for your level, explained with audio and video

7 - Please record the weights and we will follow the development together

8 - The number of consultations to avoid injury and improve recovery

9 - An educational program to understand the sport more

10 - Cardio file to speed up results in a professional way


For 3 Months


1 - Weekly follow-up on WhatsApp

2 - A recipe book with videos of how to prepare the recipe so you don't get bored

3 - A comprehensive, variable diet within 3 months to reach it quickly

4 - An alternative to cooking so you can eat different food every day

5 - Your comprehensive guide to supplements, if possible

6 - A training program suitable for your level, explained with audio and video

7 - Please record the weights and we will follow the development together

8 - The number of consultations to avoid injury and improve recovery

9 - An educational program to understand the sport more

10 - Cardio file to speed up results in a professional way


For 3 Months

Original price was: 250$.Current price is: 129$.

- All services of power 10x plan

11 - phone call before the program starts

12 - Daily follow up on whats app

13 - phone call from Captain maged team

14- diet and workout plan customized based on your medical condition

15 - 1 Free Session + 1 Free examination with physical therapy doctor


For 3 Months

Original price was: 450$.Current price is: 210$.

- All services of power 10x plan

11 - ( 2 video calls or 2 phone calls per month ) ( meaning : a video call every two weeks in the subscription)

12 - phone call before the program starts

13 - Daily follow up on whats app

14 - phone call from Captain maged team

15 - diet and workout plan customized based on your medical condition

16 - Free consultation with a physical therapist at RedBone Gym or at outpatient clinics.

17 - 3 months free .. in theRedBone Gym فى مدينة نصر متفرع من عباس العقاد

18 -Exercise once every two weeks at the gym... you can replace this with a video call if you are in Egypt


for 3 months


Meet Captain Maged

Hello, I’m Captain Maged

Online Coach, Master Coach from ISSA And the real version of Captain Maged
in the fitness industry

Yes, like the cartoon series we both love
Captain Maged

Now you must be asking, What is the relation? Captain Majid was a football player.
You’re a fitness online coach.

Read the full story
to figure it out!


Believe me, with the right guidance, it’s more than enough.
thousands of clients achieved their goals with me. All you need is to commit and
I’ll take care of anything else.

It depends on your plan, but basically, it will happen weekly on WhatsApp by
sending your weight, measurements, and/or photos to customize your workout and
diet plan according to your progress.

Commitment depends on many factors. Maybe the diet plan wasn’t customized to
your needs and lifestyle, maybe there was a psychological barrier or any other
reason. That’s why I study your diet history, customize your diet plan to suit your
lifestyle and body needs, and support you around the hour on WhatsApp to make
sure you’re on the right track.

The answer is a big NO for your good luck. It’s not about making you starve, it’s
about customizing the right nutrition plan that suits your needs and satisfies your
This way you will enjoy the journey not only the results. Believe me, hundreds of
clients did!

You can start by choosing your most suitable plan here & I’ll get in touch with you
to complete the next steps

Available courses

Become An Expert

Know the experts’ secrets, how to move in the right way,
and get the results you seek faster

All by enrolling in my online anatomy courses

Watch the full lecture for free now From the Anatomy and Kinesiology course

Supplements Book
Get it for free now

Recipe Book
Get it for free now

Watch the full lecture for free now From the Anatomy and Kinesiology course

And become the next champion
Start your first step by downloading my free ebookand hit the ball to score your goal.

Ready to start the game ?

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