Feeling lost in the fitness industry with all the conflicting information on social media?

Want to level up after reading books or taking courses, but still feel unorganized and unable to create a proper training program for clients?

This course is built on applied science—based on extensive books, courses, and research!

Backed by my experience training in gyms and coaching thousands of clients worldwide!

Here, you'll get the ultimate knowledge that will enable you to answer any question—no matter how challenging!

And you'll learn how to design a training program for anyone, regardless of their level!

Because you'll master anatomy, kinesiology, and load transfer!

Plus, you'll learn program design and much more—turning you into a true professional in the field!

No matter your level—whether you're just starting or looking to advance your skills—you're in the right place!

Course Content: Anatomy & Kinesiology for Trainer Preparation

To create an effective training program, you need the Anatomy & Kinesiology for Trainer Preparation Course, which consists of 8 comprehensive lectures!

Lecture 1:
  • Understanding Human Body Systems.
  • Identifying different body tissues (cartilage, tendons, and ligaments), their functions, differences, and where they are used in the gym.
  • Studying the basics of Kinesiology and movement across the three planes.
  • Learning muscular structure, muscle fiber directions, and muscle locations (Anatomy).
  • Exploring the skeletal system, muscle attachments, bone names and types, and joint classifications (Musculoskeletal System).
  • Studying and understanding the fundamentals of biomechanics and levers.
  • Analyzing loads, how they affect the body, and understanding moment arms.
  • Detailed anatomy of back muscles, their movement mechanics, and the most effective exercises for activation.
  • Explaining key techniques for back training, differences between exercises based on grip variations, moment arms, and the number of active joints.
  • Identifying target muscles, assisting muscles, and movement analysis for each back exercise.
  • Live muscle demonstrations using real models, images, and videos.
  • 3D animation-based movement analysis for each exercise in the kinesiology lecture.
  • Practical application of movement analysis using 3D animations, learning how to select the right exercises (Exercise Selection).
  • Anatomy of the chest muscles, movement mechanics, and suitable exercises for activation.
  • Explanation of key techniques for chest exercises, highlighting differences in grip variations, moment arms, and joint involvement.
  • Analyzing chest exercises to identify target muscles, assisting muscles, and movement patterns.
  • Explanation of Upward & Downward Rotation, including the muscles responsible for these movements and their locations.
  • Discussion of common issues such as Scapular Winging and Kyphosis (forward rounding of the back).
  • Live muscle demonstrations using real models, images, and videos.
  • 3D animation-based movement analysis for each exercise in the kinesiology lecture.
  • Practical application of movement analysis using 3D animations, learning how to select the right exercises (Exercise Selection).
  • Anatomy of the abdominal muscles, movement mechanics, and best exercises for activation.
  • Anatomy of arm muscles, movement mechanics, and exercises for optimal activation.
  • Explanation of key techniques and variations in arm and abdominal exercises, including grip differences, moment arms, and joint involvement.
  • Analysis of arm exercises: identifying target muscles, assisting muscles, and movement patterns.
  • Live demonstrations using real anatomical models, images, and videos.
  • 3D animation-based movement analysis for each exercise in the kinesiology lecture.
  • Practical application of movement analysis using 3D animations, learning how to select the right exercises (Exercise Selection).
  • Step-by-step movement analysis framework to ensure correct exercise execution and muscle targeting.
  • Load transfer mechanics in upper body exercises, including concepts of Fulcrum, Line of Force, and Distance, with practical distance measurement techniques.
  • Understanding muscle engagement in stretched vs. contracted positions to determine the most effective exercises.
  • Identifying different types of levers in various exercises (First-class, Second-class, and Third-class Levers).
  • Debunking fitness myths and correcting common misconceptions using science and practical experience.
  • Anatomy of leg muscles, biomechanics of movement, and best exercises for muscle activation.
  • Explanation of key techniques in leg training, focusing on grip variations, moment arms, and joint involvement.
  • Analysis of leg exercises: identifying primary muscles, assisting muscles, and movement mechanics.
  • Live anatomical demonstrations with real models, images, and videos.
  • 3D animation-based movement breakdown for each exercise in the kinesiology lecture.
  • Practical application of 3D movement analysis, learning how to select the best exercises (Exercise Selection).
  • Understanding load transfer in lower body exercises, including Fulcrum, Line of Force, and Distance, and measuring these factors in real workouts.
  • Stretch vs. contraction positioning in leg exercises and determining which exercises are most effective based on load distribution.
  • Identifying lever types in lower body exercises (First-class, Second-class, or Third-class Levers).
  • Debunking common fitness myths using scientific evidence and real-world experience.
  • What is the first step when working with a client?
  • How to conduct an assessment and its importance in training.
  • Understanding Progressive Overload and how to apply it effectively.
  • Selecting the right exercises and intensity for each client.
  • How to structure training frequency based on the client’s goal.
  • Is there an optimal training system? Push/Pull/Leg, Arnold Split, or Two-Muscle Training?
  • Understanding Reps, Sets, Load, Time, and FITT principles and how to customize them.
  • RIR (Reps in Reserve), RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion), and Tempo variations for different clients.
  • How to select appropriate weights, estimate muscle failure, and train accordingly.
  • Differences between strength, endurance, and hypertrophy and how to design programs for each goal.
  • What are Mechanical Tension, Metabolic Stress, and Muscle Damage, and how do they contribute to muscle growth?
  • Understanding Effective Reps and their impact on muscle activation.
  • Involuntary velocity loss and how it affects training performance.
  • Calculating the appropriate training volume for each muscle group (large vs. small muscles) and structuring a weekly training plan based on the client’s level (beginner, intermediate, or advanced).
  • The impact of Junk Volume on training efficiency.
  • Differences between Hard Sets and Warm-up Sets.
  • Are Drop Sets, Combined Sets, and Super Sets effective for muscle growth?
  • Understanding Rest-Pause Sets and how you might be using them unconsciously.
  • How to manage Deload phases for optimal recovery and performance.
  • Designing a complete training program based on anatomy and biomechanics.
  • Creating a tailored cardio program based on the client’s goal and fitness level.
  • Determining the optimal duration, intensity, weekly frequency, and equipment for cardio training.
  • Final exam, certificate distribution, and photoshoot session.
  • Awarding prizes to top performers in the course and offering discounts for future courses.

(Practical Application in the Gym) + Exam in the Hall, Certificate Distribution, and Photoshoot

  • Mastering the correct execution of exercises in the gym.
  • Understanding the differences between various exercises.
  • Learning how grip variations affect muscle activation.
  • Applying resistance in both contraction and stretch positions.
  • Comparing cable vs. dumbbell exercises and their effects.
  • Biomechanical analysis of each exercise.
  • Understanding load distribution in different exercises.
  • Taking a long break before the exam to ensure everyone fully understands the concepts and to address any doubts.

Here you can see some of the trainees' reviews.

كتاب المكملات

ده كتاب فيه كل مكمل من الرخص سعرا للاغلى سعرا و فيه شرح لكل مكمل و كمان تشتريه منين و عليه خصومات كمان .. عشان تستفاد بيها انت او العملاء الى معاك

كتاب الوصفات

و ده فيه اكتر من ٦٠ وصفة متصورين صور و صورة و انا واقف معاك بشرحلك ازاى تعمل اكل صحى و طعمه حلو .. كمان كل وصفة محسوبة السعرات و البروتين و الكارب و الفات

كتاب بدايل الطبخ

و هنا هتعرف ازاى تبدل بين اى صنف و التانى عشان العميل ميزهقش باكل متكرر كل يوم

مميزات المجانية ستحصل عليها

February 2026 Schedule

Heliopolis - Khalifa Al Maamoun

The course will start on Friday, 06/02/2026.

From 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

The course consists of 8 lectures, each lasting 4 hours.

Days of the course

1- Friday, 06/02/2026

2- Saturday, 07/02/2026

3- Friday, 13/02/2026

4- Saturday, 14/02/2026

5- Friday, 20/02/2026

6- Saturday, 21/02/2026

7- Friday, 27/02/2026

8- Saturday, 28/02/2026


Heliopolis - Khalifa Al Maamoun

Location Description: At the end of Khalifa Al Maamoun Street - Above Hardee’s Restaurant - In front of Gamal Abdel Nasser Museum - Near Triumph Hotel - Opposite Souq Al-Asr Computer Market.

Original price was: 400$.Current price is: 199$.

Course Price:

A deposit of 1000 EGP is required to reserve the course. Payment can be made via Vodafone Cash at 01098577047, with the payment receipt sent via WhatsApp. Alternatively, you can pay via Instapay at 01153081372

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